Why CoBot Analysis?

To help you do great things by analyzing the microscopic.

THE COBOTS TO AUTOMATE THE QUALITY CONTROL OF PCB BOARDS: a collaborative automation solution of HRC which automates the process by integrating elements of - in addition to collaborative robotics - into the inspection Augmented Reality that simplify and make the inspection process much more ergonomic and precise.

We help you with the inspection control that determines the quality of products

Improves the quality of inspection

Keeps track of workflow

Reduces visual fatigue

Avoid handling
board manual

Promotes the increase of productive activities

Reduces the possibility of error

CoBot Analysis

Intuitive & Centralized

ARVIN Is a robotic cell that integrates a collaborative robot Universal Robots UR3, on whose wrist is integrated an inspection chamber of microscopic precision.

Controlled by software which allows the camera to be moved to the features on the board and which, through protocols of augmented reality embedded in it, overlays captured images and CAD of the board on the screen, allowing the inspector to verify (on a single video terminal) the actual match between board and project.
The development of the cell also required careful study of lighting systems internal to ensure
Always correct photometric exposure to the inspection chamber.

Process steps

INSPECTION: PCB identification with automatic recognition > Activation of augmented reality and verification of missing components > PCB recognition with predefined tags > Finding the CAD drawing > Overlay and capture from the microscope of the CAD drawing > Retention of the overlay in case of zooming or shifting

AUGMENTED REALITY: Camera motion commands from app > board navigation by pattern > capture and record frames to monitor with ability to create overview

COLLABORATION: Operation while you can move and manage pointing and proximity to the PCB you are working on with complete freedom.

Feature software application

  • Inspection with command Of robot/camera/zoom handling
  • Augmented reality
  • Remote Collaboration
  • System of finding patterns and drawings on a CAD/BOM platform

The components

  • Microscope With high magnification factor that can also be managed remotely
  • Robotic mechanical structure CobotUR3
  • Handling Via joystick (virtual or real) or via touch interface

Case Study: ARVIn HRC & Thales Alenia Space

HRC srl_Thales Alenia Space use case_ Cobot Universal Robots with HRC software augmented reality