An extremely complex topic, a evolving risk and transversal to any activity and organization: discover the Cyber Academy.

A threat that almost no company has the resources to handle perfectly and that no insurance protection can ever zero in on.

After years of research, discussions, insights and events dedicated to cyber risk there are still few certainties, many doubts.

From this observation, with the intent to identify fixed points but more importantly to Give professionals the tools to do it themselves, theCyber Academy made by HRC in collaboration with ANRAOGRWillis Towers Watson e Cosman.

The four Cyber Academy events will bring together experts in risk management, insurance transfer, cyber security, crisis and reputation management, and social hacking.

The Cyber Academy is a comprehensive training course aimed at creating awareness and designed to provide participants with fundamental knowledge about the context of cyber risks and the skills to manage them effectively.

Let's find out the program of the Cyber Academy together.

Know the enemy

June 9 / 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

The figure of the IT manager has undergone an evolution that now leads him or her to necessarily have a global view of processes in the company. How is his role changing and what are the new skills?

How do hackers identify potential targets? What are the main motivations for attacks?

How to manage internal vulnerabilities within the company?

What solutions are currently made available by the insurance market to transfer residual risks and protect the company beyond mitigation measures?

Challenging ransomware

June 16 / 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

What is ransomware and how does it act? How common is it and what are the costs a company faces in the event of an attack?

The phenomenon of phishing has increased significantly in the past year: what is its evolution and how can we educate users to recognize it?

What protections can a good cyber policy provide?

How to adjust the offering to ensure that companies are always adequately protected?

What does the business continuity plan include?

Social Hacking

June 23 / 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

The human factor in cyber risk is one of the most complex elements to manage. How to properly inform and train employees? What happens when it is people, their data and sensitive information that are "hacked"?

What consequences may there be not only on a material level but also on a psychological level?

What is the role of communication in managing the crisis resulting from a cyber incident? What are the most appropriate actions to take to limit the negative impact on reputation as much as possible?

Hybrid Cloud

June 30 / 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

How can existing resources be optimized by leveraging different types of cloud platforms? How can we effectively protect data and reprocess it more quickly? How can we maintain the quality of data, the "oil" of our millennium, and how to develop its resilience?

To get to mature data management, a company must have embarked on a journey of understanding the interconnections between business and information systems, as well as controlling its risks: what are the steps to be able to embark on an evolutionary journey of this nature?

We look forward to seeing you at theCyber Academy!


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