Samsung poster

THE B4B EVENT: we look forward to seeing you on November 7, 2023!

Breakfast³ for Business with Samsung and HRC HRC and Samsung invite you on Nov. 7 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the fantastic location of OGR Tech, home of our HRC CyberBrain team, in Corso Castelfidardo, 22 - Turin, to tell you how digital transformation has revolutionized the workplace and to introduce you to the products...

Registration reopened for Aperi-Cyber Oct. 12, 2022: super guest Raoul Chiesa

Registration reopened for Aperi-Cyber Oct. 12, 2022: super guest Raoul Chiesa

HACKMAGEDDON: How hacking can affect our lives at Aperi-Cyber Oct. 12 Aperi-cyber is back! OGR's CyberSecurity-themed events curated by CyberBrain. On Wednesday, October 12 at 6:30 p.m. come meet Raoul Chiesa "Nobody": the first Italian hacker who will tell us how hacking changed his life and what path led him to become...

Ransomware attack: find out how to defend yourself

Ransomware attack: find out how to defend yourself

After the success of the last event on 11/26/2021 we are back in attendance to talk about CyberSecurity and Data Backup: defend against ransomware attack. The event event on defending against ransomware attack will be in the Showcase Room A, OGR Tech, Corso Castelfidardo 22, Turin starting at 9:30 am. AGENDA 09:30 - 10:00 -> Welcome coffee 10:00 - 10:15 -> Welcome...

Do you want to develop your users' Cybersecurity skills?
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Do you want to develop your users' Cybersecurity skills?

What are the challenges facing IT managers and human resources? What are the most important Cybersecurity skills? Instead, the platform provides lessons based on practice and concrete cases, constant reiteration, and simulated phishing to ensure immediate application of the skills learned. You can set different levels of complexity and define objectives...

HRC Cybersecurity Event

HRC Cybersecurity Event

On Tuesday, November 19, 2019, the cybersecurity event dedicated to cybersecurity was held at OGR Tech in Turin. There was a large turnout, aimed at demonstrating the interest of companies in such an important and current topic. Joining us to talk about security were Sophos, SGBox and Syneto. The speeches were interspersed with our...